January 25, 2008


This morning on the Marta the old guy I was sitting next to saw me reading my devotional and asked me if I was a Christian. I said yes, and then he asked if I knew where the ichthus fish symbol came from, so we talked about that for a minute. He said "I just thought of that when you got on the train for some reason." Then I went back to reading.

As I left he told me to "have a blessed day" and I told him to do the same. For some reason this phrase stuck with me... it's something cheesy that Christians say all the time and it always seems just like the stock thing to say instead of "have a good day" to signify "hey, I love Jesus, so I'm going to say blessed instead." But for some reason today I just kept thinking about it and what that actually means. I've been sick and feeling icky lately, and just really worn down... like it's just tough to get up and get through the days. So I started thinking about how I really NEED a blessed day... physically and emotionally. So I said to God "I actually need you to bless me today. I don't know what that looks like... but You do. And I know that however You choose to bless me will be what I need."

So I'm at work, having a quiet but productive work day (which is probably a blessing in itself) and I take a break to check Craftzine.com's blog, cuz I do that sometimes to give my brain a break. I love looking at cool crafty things. And what do I see, but a notice that I won their random book giveaway. How cool! I got pretty excited about that... I don't usually win things, but this week I won a crafty contest, which is awesome, but this one didn't even require any talent or anything on my part. It was just kinda random. And I immediately remembered my prayer for blessings. So that made me happy.

Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! -Matthew 7:9-11

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