November 24, 2007

laying low

Not a whole lot going on here; nothing to report. I have been really lazy during my long weekend. Really lazy. As in watching hours of YouTube videos and playing games on my PDA lazy. I planned on going out shopping on Friday, but then I went through all the Black Friday ads and realized that there were no better sales than normal sales. If there were some good sales on hard drives, maybe a cheap PC laptop to replace the one that is falling apart, maybe some good sales on jeans, I'd be out there fighting the crowds with the rest of the good Americans doing their patriotic duty to spend money the day after Thanksgiving. But when the "sales" are things like $30 jeans and buy one pair of shoes get one pair half off, or $600 laptops, it just wasn't worth it. That's the kind of sales these places have most of the time. So why would I fight the crowds on the busiest shopping day? No thankyou.

So to make up for barely leaving the house Friday, I planned to go run some errands on Saturday. But then Chris got some awful food poisoning from our Tin Drum Asia Cafe take-out, and woke me up in the middle of the night with it. So we had a rough night, and he spent most of Saturday recovering from that. I just thank God that I didn't get food poisoning, too. The last time we were both out of commission with food poisoning, and that was about the worst two days of my life. We were so helpless we had to call a friend to bring us gatorade and soup, and then we didn't know how either one of us would manage to open the door when she arrived, because we were afraid if we moved an inch we'd be sick again. Awful.

Anyways, I left the house long enough to get us some groceries and cleaning supplies, and that's about it. (I did go to Michael's to get some yarn that was still on sale for the rest of Saturday, but that was a lame sale too, so I only bought what I needed. Disappointing sales). Anyways. I've been lazy.

Chris works tomorrow so we won't go to church until the evening service, and now that I've spent 3 days being lazy I don't know if I'll be able to snap out of it and make myself leave the house when I have no plans and most the people I know are still out of town for the weekend. Maybe I'll just work on my sweater. I've finally got the body completed and I sewed snaps on it today... now it's just down to the sleeves, and I'll have made my first sweater. If I'm really diligent this week I might even finish it in the month of November, which was my goal for NaKniSweMo. Huzzah!

Chris says it's bedtime, so off I go.

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