January 09, 2007


It's everything I've ever wanted, and more...

Apple has announced it's iPhone, available in June of this year. But it's not just a phone... it's like a video iPod meshed with a PDA, meshed with a Mac... cuz it uses Mac OS X... and the whole thing is a touch-screen that's supposed to use super-great technology that doesn't require a stylus. OOOoohhh, aaaaahhh....

But the pricetag on all that is pretty steep... they're talking $499 for a 4GB, and $599 for an 8 GB one. And it's only with Cingular. So my wishlist for mid-year is to have enough expendable cash to afford a $600 phone slash Personal Life Assistant AND be able to afford to switch to Cingular... it costs a lot to drop my current cell provider, not to mention I think we currently have the cheapest plan on earth, and it would be at least another $20 or $30 a month for us to switch, PLUS if I got a fancy phone CHRIS would think HE needed a fancy phone, so I'm basically lusting after something that would cost us about $1500 in the long run. The big question is, even if we had $1500 to throw around (if only) are two Personal Life Assistants really worth it?

But i must say, this is definitely topping the techno-lust charts. Especially since I've really been wanting a great PDA/phone lately, knowing full well I'm not gonna get one. It was a lot easier to want one when all the available phones weren't very great.::sigh::

My rambling is over, you may now return to your regularly scheduled life.

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