December 19, 2006

Package In The Mail

Today we got a package in the mail from Chris's dad in Texas. If anyone knows anything about my husband Chris, then you know he's a collector. If anyone has ever been in our house, then you know our house is filled with stuff. But you haven't seen anything until you've seen his dad's house in Texas... this is where he gets his collecting bug. To illustrate, I give you Exhibit A, the Box We Got in the Mail Today.

Some of the things in this box include:

  • dead Japanese Beatles (2)

  • Dead locusts (3 or so)

  • a little toy girl without a head

  • patch for Handyman Club of America: Life Member

  • pencils

  • Envelope full of feathers

  • boxes of feathers

  • a coupon for One Hug

  • little labels in french

  • Wasp Nests (3)

  • two bottle caps for Orange Crush

  • one little yellow bullet?

  • dried sunflower heads (the note says I used a paint Brush To Remove The Fuzzy stuff on The sunFlower. It's still good Bird Food. Recycle.

  • antlers

  • part of a skull from an animal with big flat teeth

  • part of a turtle skeleton (?) with a "Barrel Full of Monkeys" toy in it (the note said: Behold "Creature Man" alias "Too Face" Looks like he ate a monkey. poor monkey.)

  • Thorns from a Texas Thorn Tree

  • One of those seeds covered with white stuff that floats around in the summer(very carefully packaged

  • One tiny bird egg

  • Some pieces of wheat

  • Shell from a bullet

  • a Clam shell (I think)

Everything was packaged with much care and deliberately delivered... Chris was thrilled, and I documented everything... the notes are my favorite, so I made sure to take pictures of the notes. All very much fun, quite a change to my day. Last time he sent us stuff, it included a few bird eggs and a couple of birds nests that he attached to very small photo frames... very precious but all stuff we have to be very careful with... I'm not really sure where all this stuff is going to go; we don't have a lot of space (as anyone who has come to see us knows very well). Anyways, Chris wants to do some photographs with some of this stuff, but I dunno when he'll get around to that.


.tif said...

Wow. That's quite a collection indeed! I'm really surprised. The skull of something with flat teeth may be a wild boar or some kind of pig. That's my guess. That's my favorite ... although bird eggs are probably cool, too.

All that stuff reminded me of Mr. Graham, whatever he's up to.

Thanks for thinking of me. :0

Paul Griffin said...

Well, take it from someone who has cooked a few pig heads in the last couple of months, they actually have quite sharp, pointy teeth, including an impressive set of canines. Given the flatness of the teeth in the skull you have there, my guess would be some sort of herbivore.

I would also note that a huge pig skull can be quite startling to a waiter when they find it staring up at them from the server station >:)