May 11, 2014

Crochet Drupal Drop - Free Pattern

drupal drop logoA little background on this pattern. In my day job, I work with an open-source web platform called Drupal. Drupal has an adorable logo, called the Drupal drop.

So I crocheted a Drupal drop as a surprise for our awesome developer at work. She loved it, by the way. And it was so quick and fun to make, that I'll probably make a few more.

And in the spirit of Open Source, here's the instructions to make your own:


  • worsted weight yarn - bright blue
  • worsted weight yarn - white
  • 4.5mm G crochet hook
  • yarn Needle for sewing pieces together
  • Stuffing


  • ch = chain
  • sc = single crochet
  • sc dec = decrease (one sc across two stitches)
  • sl st = slip stitch
  • st = stitch
  • hdc = half double crochet
  • x 2 = repeat two times (etc for multiple numbers)


Using blue yarn. Worked in a spiral. Do not join, do not turn.
Start a circle via magic ring or whatever is your preference.
Rnd 1: In the magic ring, 6 sc
Rnd 2: 2 Sc in each sc around: 12 sc
Rnd 3: [sc, 2 sc in next sc] x 6: 18 sc
Rnd 4: [sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in next sc] x 6: 24 sc
Rnd 5: [sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc] x 6: 30 sc
Rnd 6: [sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc] x 6: 36 sc
Rnd 7: [sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc] x 6: 42 sc
Rnd 8 - 15: sc in each sc around: 42 sc
Rnd 16: [sc in the next 5 sc, sc dec] x 6: 36 sc
Rnd 17: [sc in the next 4 sc, sc dec] x 6: 30 sc 
Rnd 18: [sc in the next 3 sc, sc dec] x 6: 24 sc 
Rnd 19: [sc in the next 2 sc, sc dec] x 6: 18 sc  Fill as full as you can with stuffing
Rnd 20: [sc, sc dec] x 6: 12 sc 
Rnd 21: [sc, sc dec] x 4: 8 sc Fill any further you can with stuffing
Rnd 22: [sc, sc dec] x 2: 5 sc
Rnd 23: [sc dec, sc, sc dec]: 3 sc
Join 3 top stitches, finish off and hide the extra yarn.


Note: the eyes are a little complicated, so apologies there. I tried to explain what I did the best I could.
 using white yarn, ch 8
R1: hdc 3 times in the 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, sl st in next 3 chs, sc in next ch, hdc 3 times in last ch, and continue around to the other side of the chain (do not turn). You're circling around the chain.
R2: hdc in 1st st, sc in next st, sl st in next 2 stitches, sc, hdc, then sl st in next st.
R3: ch1, DO NOT TURN, sc, sc inc in next 2 st, sl st in next 5 st, sc, sc inc in next 2 st, sl stitch.
Finish off,  leaving tail long enough to sew the eyes onto the face.


Using a yarn needle, sew eyes onto face (see picture), then sew nose and mouth using white yarn.

January 02, 2014

2013 Review

Well I didn't post my annual birthday Goals review, and it doesn't even make sense to post a Places To Go review, as I didn't try to complete any goals or go anywhere this past year. But I figure I should at least post a quick recap and update for myself, at least.

2013 Travels - We took a family trip to Indiana in May for my cousin's wedding, and Chris and I made a quick (as in 24 hour long) trip to Chicago while we were up there. We also made our way to Lakeland, FL in July for Chris's cousin's wedding, and stopped by Gainesville for half a day to see friends on our way there. And that was it for the year.

  • "Farm country," IN
  • Chicaco, IL
  • Lakeland, FL
2013 Milestones - I started taking project management classes to continue building skills, and I finally finished a crochet pattern for my most favorite Gourd Wrist Purse. Chris and I celebrated 10 years of marriage, Zeke started preschool, and Jonas started sleeping through the night (finally). Life is starting to level out.

And that's that! 

For 2014, I really just hope to lay low - keep taking classes, work, and spend time with the boys. We hope to make a couple trips to see family this year, but again, Jonas is still too young for ambitious traveling. Zeke will be starting kindergarten this year, so that will be a big change for the whole family. (And we'll probably enroll Jonas in preschool a couple mornings a week, since he's such an extrovert).