July 26, 2009

Studies show that Prenatal Air Pollution Lowers Children's IQ

So I just read the first article to really make me paranoid ... a new study showed a link between exposure to smog before birth and low IQ in children. I live in Atlanta and, until about two months before I got pregnant, would walk a mile down a really smoggy street to the train station and back 4 times a week for work. Sometimes in July/August even the short walk from the train station to my office building would make me feel sick from the car exhaust. I'm just glad we happened to move to a less busy area right before we got pregnant... but it still makes me a bit paranoid about living in a big city.

July 18, 2009

Zeke and the mobile

Zeke just got old enough to care about things like his mobile, so we finally put it up in his bassinet. The first time he saw it he was mesmerized for quite a while and actually smiled and talked to it, which was the best compliment a momma could get! Here he is at 11 weeks old, checking out his sea mobile.