December 03, 2005

Chris is home!

My hubby finally returned last night, with a HUGE stash of new PEZ stuff that he acquired during his trip, and 4 shotglasses for my collection (New York, Canada, Niagra Falls, Pennsylvania). And tonight he finally posted a recap of what he did, along with a lot of photos.

Of course, he doesn't have any of the photos I would expect, like pictures of him with Robby from the Goo Goo Dolls or with the president of PEZ North America. He mainly took pictures of PEZ dispensers and PEZ machinery. If I had been there, I would have been in charge of the camera, and there would be photos that were actually interesting to people that aren't obsessive PEZ collectors, but alas, this is what you get when you let the boys handle things on their own. Basically, anything I told Chris "Whatever you do, make sure you get lots of pictures of this and this, and make sure that you do this" never happened. None of it. Not ONE thing I reminded him to do was done. And here I thought I was being silly thinking they needed me along. No, not being silly, they really did need me along. Apparently they also got lost alot because neither of them knows how to read a map. ::sigh:: Men.

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